Python from scratch

Do you want to work with tech giants or innovative start-ups?

Here’s some good news: they all use Python and its rich ecosystem of open-source frameworks and libraries.

Take this course to learn the Python basics and more advanced aspects of this amazing language.
It’s a perfect match for all those who want to drive innovation and build AI and machine learning applications.

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    750€ / 3 këste
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    What you will learn



    This module introduces you to the world of Python programming. You will learn the syntax of this incredibly popular language, the idea of ​​object-oriented programming, and the basic functions of the standard library.
    But most importantly, you will learn how to use them efficiently.

    Next, we will teach you how to use these tools efficiently to be a great programmer.
    You will also learn about the entire Python ecosystem and how to create your own modules.

    At the end of this module, you will have mastered regular expression possibilities,
    the idea of ​​exceptions, as well as usage and creation of language elements like decorators, context managers, and lambdas.

    Working with data

    Applications use data very often. That is why we will teach you how to work with mechanisms that are used to insert, modify, and search data.

    You will gain a solid grasp of the SQL language used to work with databases.
    Once you get familiar with databases, it’s time to use them from within Python.

    You will learn how ORM works – how to reconcile the object-oriented world with the relational world.
    From now on, your software will be able to store and process information in databases.

    Web technologies

    You will learn the most important technologies in the world of the frontend – that is, what we see when visiting a website.

    We will show you how to create HTML code to represent exactly what you want,
    style sheets to look as you need them to, and JavaScript code to make it all work.

    Next, we will introduce you to the most popular framework for creating web applications in Python – Django.
    You will learn how to create administration panels, handling forms, session mechanisms, and cookies.
    You will also explore authorization and authentication behavior.

    Programmer’s work tools

    You will learn how to work in a development team and how teams solve the problems that crop up when many people modify the same files.
    You will learn the correct flow of working with the code, how work is organized in programming teams, and why planning is so important.

    Good practices

    Testing is essential in software development. This is how you ensure that the code you wrote works correctly.

    TDD is an approach of creating code where you first create tests and then write the code so that tests confirm that the code is working correctly.

    Next, we will teach you what an algorithm is and why it matters in the programming world.
    You will learn how to solve common problems and determine the effectiveness of such solutions.
    Moreover, you will see that data can be stored in many different ways – and know when to choose which one.

    When programming, expect to often encounter a problem that someone has already struggled with before.
    A pattern is a universal, proven-in-practice solution to a frequently occurring and repeated problem.
    You will learn the most popular patterns, as well as their use cases and how to apply them.

    Final project

    Finally, you will create a practical project that solves a real business problem.
    You can later attach this project to your CV and use it to land your dream job.
    Your task will be to design and implement a more complex web application. You can work alone or in a team.
    Finally, you will present a working application and discuss what you have managed to do and what further ideas you have for developing the application.
    We will also schedule time for code review during the classes.


    This module introduces you to the world of Python programming. You will learn the syntax of this incredibly popular language, the idea of ​​object-oriented programming, and the basic functions of the standard library.
    But most importantly, you will learn how to use them efficiently.

    Next, we will teach you how to use these tools efficiently to be a great programmer.
    You will also learn about the entire Python ecosystem and how to create your own modules.

    At the end of this module, you will have mastered regular expression possibilities,
    the idea of ​​exceptions, as well as usage and creation of language elements like decorators, context managers, and lambdas.

    Working with data

    Applications use data very often. That is why we will teach you how to work with mechanisms that are used to insert, modify, and search data.

    You will gain a solid grasp of the SQL language used to work with databases.
    Once you get familiar with databases, it’s time to use them from within Python.

    You will learn how ORM works – how to reconcile the object-oriented world with the relational world.
    From now on, your software will be able to store and process information in databases.

    Web technologies

    You will learn the most important technologies in the world of the frontend – that is, what we see when visiting a website.

    We will show you how to create HTML code to represent exactly what you want,
    style sheets to look as you need them to, and JavaScript code to make it all work.

    Next, we will introduce you to the most popular framework for creating web applications in Python – Django.
    You will learn how to create administration panels, handling forms, session mechanisms, and cookies.
    You will also explore authorization and authentication behavior.

    Programmer’s work tools

    You will learn how to work in a development team and how teams solve the problems that crop up when many people modify the same files.
    You will learn the correct flow of working with the code, how work is organized in programming teams, and why planning is so important.

    Good practices

    Testing is essential in software development. This is how you ensure that the code you wrote works correctly.

    TDD is an approach of creating code where you first create tests and then write the code so that tests confirm that the code is working correctly.

    Next, we will teach you what an algorithm is and why it matters in the programming world.
    You will learn how to solve common problems and determine the effectiveness of such solutions.
    Moreover, you will see that data can be stored in many different ways – and know when to choose which one.

    When programming, expect to often encounter a problem that someone has already struggled with before.
    A pattern is a universal, proven-in-practice solution to a frequently occurring and repeated problem.
    You will learn the most popular patterns, as well as their use cases and how to apply them.

    Final project

    Finally, you will create a practical project that solves a real business problem.
    You can later attach this project to your CV and use it to land your dream job.
    Your task will be to design and implement a more complex web application. You can work alone or in a team.
    Finally, you will present a working application and discuss what you have managed to do and what further ideas you have for developing the application.
    We will also schedule time for code review during the classes.

    What besides the course itself?

    Our course is not only about programming. We give much more! We want to be your partner in change. Therefore, in addition to intensive classes with our trainers, we have prepared a complete career support package:

    Career counseling

    You will participate in practical workshops with our career advisor during the course, who will prepare you to start the job search process. In addition, you will learn how to do well during a recruitment interview, where to look for information about interesting industry events, and how to stand out from other juniors effectively.

    Individual CV consultations

    We will help you create a professional CV that will become your showcase on the labor market during the course. Our Career Advisors will also support you in building your profile on LinkedIn and advise you on how to get your first job in the IT industry.

    Technical conversation simulation

    At the end of the course, we prepared a simulation of technical recruitment. It is similar to what you will most likely face during the recruitment process for your new job in IT. One of our trainers will play the role of a technical recruiter to verify your knowledge in practice and then send you a feedback message about your results.

    Virtual library

    You will receive access to our virtual SDA library full of e-books, audiobooks, and video courses, allowing you to explore the secrets of the IT world further. In addition, you will find materials useful during the training and items helpful in learning the English language. You will also have access to our virtual shelves after the course.

    Payment Options

    One-time payment

    You do not need installments or funds? Choose a one-time payment and stay worry-free for the rest of the months.

    Financing options from AKPA & AADF

    Apply to take advantage of financings offered by AKPA & AADF. You can get starting from 50% discount from the main price. Apply to contact us and get more information.

    Pay in 3 installments

    In addition to the scholarships offered, there is also a possibility of payment in 3 installments by the SDA without added interest rates.